Sunrise to Sunset – Ravi Dubey

Sunrise to Sunset – Ravi Dubey
Day starts around: 6.30 a.m.
That First thing in the day: Look at palms. My mom used to believe that all gods and goddesses are in palms of your hands in the morning. So I look at them for a minute and pray for prosperity for everyone. I know it’s kind of very different habit. Also I take 5 minutes to get out of bed and get in daily process. Then I start my workout which lasts for about 1 hour 20 minutes. My trainer comes at home.
Tips for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner: I normally have high protein breakfast in car. Every two hour I have something like apple or biscuits. I avoid too much of carbs in my diet. In evening, moong dal or chana dal sprouts and for dinner, I try to keep it light. I normally have dinner at around 10.30 a.m.
Anxiously wait for: When I get back home and meet Shagun
Feel lazy to: Read books
Tring Tring… For sure telephonic calls: Shagun, Papa and Brother
Daily Workout regime: High intensity weight training in morning everyday. I can’t run much but cardio is ok.
Mantra for being fit: Lots of water and early morning workout.
Activity to unwind from stress: I just have one hobby which gives me pleasure which is watching movies. I can watch every genre of movies.
Day ends with: Obviously, Shargun