Keeping fit while traveling!

Keeping fit while traveling!

New year is here and with this, traveling is on the cards for many. It is quite common to get drifted by the changes in lifestyle which traveling brings in with it. Exercise should form a part of your daily routine, however for itinerants, establishing a routine for training might be difficult.

Here are few tips by the expert on how to stay fit and healthy while you are on the go:

1. Most hotels have gyms but getting the motivation to go is always a challenge. Adding to that during your business trip you might be so busy that you don’t have time to go to the gym even if it is located in your hotel. Make your goals realistic. For example if you are running for just 10 min on the treadmill or doing one set of your normal exercise routine, every little bit helps. The goal for when you are traveling should be to maintain your current weight and muscle mass.

2. Set yourself a goal for each day and plan around it. Even if jet lag takes its toll doing a little bit each day can help with your stress management and make you feel good about yourself. Business traveling mostly involves meetings, which might stretch out for long periods of time, make sure to get enough sleep. Being sleep deprived can increase your stress levels and take its toll on your body.

3. If you are pressed for time doing exercises that include your whole body would save you time while still giving you a good workout. These exercises will also lead to more calorie cost therefore you will have to do less repetitions for the same energy expenditure or even more. You can also combine two exercises to save some time for example a squat with a bicep curl. Here you are working your leg muscles as well as your bicep muscles in your arms which can cut your training time in half.

4. Another challenge might be that the gym does not have the equipment you are used to. Stick to the equipment and exercises that you are familiar with. Now is not the time for new exercises or strange exercise strategies. The risk of injury could be much higher since you’re not sleeping or eating like you normally do. Stay with exercises and training you know.

5. Make sure that you eat regularly. This is the most important factor for maintaining your weight while traveling. Business meetings and lunches may force you to eat unhealthy and you might have the compulsion to eat more than normal but here it is crucial to remember your goals. Try to choose the healthier option that can benefit you during the long run.

6. When our jobs are concerned, training takes the back seat. It is important to remember why you have started working out in the first place. Set yourself realistic small goals to train for at least 3 times a week. Most hotels have gym areas so stick to full body exercises that you know. Make sure you get enough sleep and eat as healthy as possible. Establishing a training regime even when you’re traveling can be a daunting task but it can help you cope with stress and then getting back to your normal routine will not be as difficult as if you were sedentary throughout your trip.
