I need to learn to be patient – Sana Sheikh

Sana Ameen Sheikh is quite satisfied with the journey of her latest Colors show Krishnadasi which will wrap up soon, “We started shooting in January this year when I was getting married. At first things were a bit hectic but eventually shooting panned out much more smoother than expected. We have completed the final schedule before time . We were quite emotional when we said our final good byes.”
When asked to comment on the fact that Krishnadasi never rated big she said, “Agreed numbers were not huge, but we were always the 10.30 pm slot leaders. Gone are the days when this late prime time slot boasted of record ratings during Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’s glorious reign. Today, this slot is a tough nut to crack. The main reason is that people in the north (main markets) sleep early. Having said that, our show was always a finite series. We were told that it will replace Bigg Boss 9 and run till its next season and this is what will finally happen. So all in all a good journey .”
What have you learnt from this show? “When I get frustrated over delay in make- up and other shooting issues, I just get cranky, especially with people close to me. But, being part and parcel of daily soap business for eight long years, I need to get more patient.”
Looking ahead Sana will again prefer something different “I have always made it a point to showcase different characters , e..g. moving from village belle in Life Ok’s Gustakh Dill, to a shorts wearing gal in Million Dollar Girl (Channel V). Here, I will thank Colors for coming up with a concept like Krishnadasi, which dealt with a part of society which no one wants to talk about.”