Uma TuliEducation (New Delhi, India) 2013

UMA TULI – ‘The sacred Sanskrit shloka “Tamso-Ma-Jyotirgamay” (From Darkness, Lead Me to Light) encapsulates her profound mission for her students, whom she guides out of the shadows of life’s challenges. She focuses particularly on those affected by physical or mental disabilities, shielding them from the biases and misunderstandings of society. Through her “Amar Charitable Trust,” she champions inclusivity in education, advocating for the integration of so-called “special” children into mainstream schooling.
Her campus is a model of disability-friendly infrastructure, featuring ramp accesses, tactile guide paths, and limb supports, ensuring a comfortable environment for her students. Educating the differently-abled is not just her passion but the very essence of her being, driving her unwavering commitment to their well-being and empowerment.