Nicole Rodrigues

Nicole RodriguesEntrepreneur (Maharashtra, India) 2013

NICOLE RODRIGUES – A true trailblazer, she single-handedly transformed a region by introducing a concept that was previously non-existent. In a stroke of visionary brilliance, she recognized the untapped potential in Dubai for the business of fashion and swiftly seized the opportunity to pioneer a venture that would redefine the landscape of glamour and glitz in the region.

Thus, ‘Diva Modelling & Events’ was born, quickly ascending to the status of an apex modeling and events agency in Arabia under her guidance. Her foresight and determination are the hallmarks of a true visionary, paving the way for a future where fashion and style are not just trends but integral parts of the cultural fabric. Her achievements stand as a testament to her unparalleled success and unwavering commitment to excellence.

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