Latika KhanejaEntrepreneur - Sports Management (New Delhi, India) 2010

LATIKA KHANEJA – She is renowned as the magician who transforms individuals into iconic brands, earning her the moniker of the woman with a magic wand. A multi-sport CEO, she operates in the dynamic realm of sports, where her role involves a whirlwind of activities, from engaging with CEOs, delivering compelling presentations, managing contractual obligations, understanding corporate interests, to securing investments in the athletes she represents.
Her prowess has catapulted sports personalities like Virender Sehwag, Dinesh Mongia, Gautam Gambhir, Ashish Nehra, and Dinesh Karthik into money-spinning brands. Managing their endorsements, she plays a pivotal role in converting their talent into lucrative opportunities, akin to the legendary King Midas, but with a feminine touch. Her ability to navigate the complex world of sports and corporate interests makes her an invaluable asset, crafting success stories out of athletic prowess and business acumen.