Jeelani BanoLiterature (Uttar Pradesh, India) 2006

JEELANI BANO – In the poetic town of Badayun, Jeelani was born into a family deeply rooted in Urdu literature, with her father, Hairat Badayuni, being a notable figure in the field. It was under his guidance that she began writing, barely in her teens. Subsequently, the family relocated to Hyderabad, where she immersed herself in the rich cultural milieu of the Deccan.
Jeelani’s literary works resonate with the pain and struggles faced by women, yet she chooses not to label herself as a feminist. Instead, she dedicates herself to advocating for women, children, and the marginalized, tirelessly championing their cause. Her pen is a powerful weapon that pierces through the facade of societal norms, exposing the harsh realities of life with poignant clarity. She is a true voice for the voiceless, using her writing to shed light on the injustices faced by the oppressed.
A pen that stabs you with the realities of life…!