Jacqueline FernendezCinema (Bahrain) 2016

JACQUELINE FERNENDEZ – She is a mesmerizing presence, turning heads wherever she goes. Her journey began at a young age when she started hosting TV shows, setting the stage for her remarkable career. Winning the coveted title of ‘Sri Lanka Miss Universe’ at a tender age further cemented her path to stardom.
Her breakthrough came with the lead role in ‘Murder 2,’ catapulting her into the spotlight. She followed this success with a string of movies, showcasing not just her seductive allure but also her depth as an actress. She possesses a magnetic charm that captivates audiences, and her talent shines through in every scene, often stealing the spotlight from seasoned actors.
Beyond her femme fatale persona, she is a versatile actress with substance, capable of delivering powerful performances that resonate with audiences. She is a true force to be reckoned with in the world of cinema, proving that there is much more to her than meets the eye.