Dr. Tessy ThomasScience & Technology (Kerala, India) 2014

DR.TESSY THOMAS – She is an Indian scientist and Project Director for the Agni-IV missile in the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). Renowned as the ‘Missile Woman’ of India, she holds the distinction of being the first woman scientist to lead a missile project in the country.
Growing up near a Rocket Launching Station, she was captivated by the sight of rockets soaring into the skies with thunderous roars. Her passion for missile technology drove her to pursue advanced studies in Science & Technology, eventually leading to her role as the Associate Project Director for the Agni-3 Missile.
Her journey culminated in her appointment as the Project Head for India’s most prestigious missile project, the ‘Agni-5’. She proved her expertise and leadership, earning her the title of ‘Agni-Putri’ for her significant contributions to missile technology in India.