Amrita RaoYoung Achiever Cinema (Maharashtra, India) 2006

AMRITA RAO – The Hyderabad lass was born into what she, herself, defines as – ‘a very conservative, traditional, Hindu family’, and yet that conservatism didn’t rub off on Amrita, who was ‘liberal’ in her outlook from the earliest on. Her comely, slender frame, chiselled Indian features and a pearly smile made her just the right choice for a typical ‘Hindi Screen Social’ heroine and she landed a break with ‘Ab Ke Baras’.
Amrita got rave notices and hit the trail of a career, studded so far with blockbusters like, ‘Mai Hoon Na’ and ‘Vivah’.
Indeed, one of TOI’S ’50 Most Desirable Women’ has a lot more to come…!