
Horse Year:

  • 1906 (Fire Horse)
  • 1918 (Earth Horse)
  • 1930 (Metal Horse)
  • 1942 (Water Horse)
  • 1954 (Wood Horse)
  • 1966 (Fire Horse)
  • 1978 (Earth Horse)
  • 1990 (Metal Horse)
  • 2002 (Water Horse)
  • 2014 (Wood Horse)
  • 2026 (Fire Horse)
  • 2038 (Earth Horse)

Character & Personality Traits:

Individuals born in the Year of the Horse  are believed to possess certain character and personality traits according to Chinese astrology. Here are some common characteristics associated with people born in the Year of the Horse:

  1. Energetic: Horses are known for their energy and vitality. They are always on the move and enjoy being active.
  2. Friendly: Horses are friendly and sociable. They enjoy being around others and are often the life of the party.
  3. Adventurous: Horses are adventurous and love to explore new places and try new experiences. They are not afraid to take risks.
  4. Independent: Horses value their independence and freedom. They prefer to do things their way and may resist authority or control from others.
  5. Optimistic: Horses are optimistic and have a positive outlook on life. They believe that things will work out for the best.
  6. Hardworking: Horses are hardworking and dedicated. They are willing to put in the effort to achieve their goals.
  7. Impulsive: Horses can be impulsive and act on instinct rather than thinking things through carefully. This can sometimes lead to reckless behavior.
  8. Generous: Horses are generous and willing to help others. They have a big heart and enjoy making a positive impact on the world.
  9. Restless: Horses can be restless and easily bored. They need constant stimulation and may become frustrated if they are not kept busy.
  10. Charismatic: Horses are often charismatic and charming. They have a presence that draws others to them.

These traits are generalizations and may not apply to every individual born in the Year of the Horse. However, they provide a broad overview of the characteristics often associated with this zodiac sign.

Lucky Colours:

Brown, Yellow, Purple

  • Brown represents stability and reliability.
  • Yellow symbolizes energy and happiness.
  • Purple signifies luxury and ambition.

Lucky Gems:

Topaz, Carnelian

  • Topaz is believed to bring success, joy, and abundance to Horses.
  • Carnelian is said to enhance Horses’ vitality, motivation, and courage. 

Lucky Number:

Lucky numbers 2, 3, and 7.

  • The number 2 represents cooperation and diplomacy, qualities that are beneficial for the sociable and energetic Horse.
  • The number 3 is associated with creativity and self-expression, reflecting the Horse’s free-spirited nature.
  • The number 7 symbolizes good fortune and spiritual growth, aligning with the Horse’s optimistic and adventurous outlook on life.

Lucky Days:

5th and 20th of every Chinese lunar month

Lucky Partner:

Best matches: Tiger, Dog

  • The Horse and Tiger are both energetic and enjoy new experiences, creating a lively and dynamic relationship.
  • The Horse and Dog are loyal and understanding, forming a deep and lasting bond.

Please note that the above is based on interpretations and beliefs. Its insights and predictions should be viewed as guidance and entertainment rather than absolute truths.
