Nayla Al Khaja

Direction (Dubai, UAE) 2011

Nayla Al KhajaDirection (Dubai, UAE) 2011

NAYLA AL KHAJA- She is a visionary in the world of cinema, fearlessly translating dreams into bold and candid portrayals on screen. With unwavering convictions and a courage that knows no bounds, she has carved a niche for herself as a cineaste of profound sensibilities, particularly in Middle Eastern cinema.

Her journey began with “Unveiling Dubai,” marking the launch of Dessert Productions in 2002, which later evolved into D-seven Motion Pictures, putting the UAE on the global cinema map. Despite facing numerous challenges for her choice of bold and unconventional themes, she remains undeterred, tackling subjects like paedophilia and secret teen dating with a rare combination of grit and sensitivity, often challenging the boundaries set by censors and societal norms.

She stands as a testament to resilience and creativity, embodying a “one woman army” spirit as she fearlessly navigates the complexities of the film industry, always seeking out more challenges and embracing the tumultuous journey with open arms.
