Major Mitali Madhumita

Gallantry (New Delhi, India) 2013

Major Mitali MadhumitaGallantry (New Delhi, India) 2013

MAJOR MITALI MADHUMITA – She is a trailblazer in the Indian Army, breaking barriers and setting new standards of courage and leadership. Her gallantry award, the Sena Medal, was a testament to her exceptional bravery during the attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2010. Her fearless actions in the face of danger, whether in Jammu-Kashmir, the northeast states of India, or other conflict zones, have earned her respect and admiration.

During the embassy attack, she displayed extraordinary courage, rushing to the scene despite the danger. Despite the chaos and danger, she managed to rescue many soldiers trapped in the rubble, coordinating emergency evacuations and ensuring the safety of her comrades. Her quick thinking and selfless actions saved numerous lives, making her a true hero in every sense of the word.
