Maryam Al Mheiri

Media & Economic Development (Abu Dhabi, UAE) 2017

Maryam Al MheiriMedia & Economic Development (Abu Dhabi, UAE) 2017

MARYAM AL MHEIRI – Fearless, determined, and poised, she epitomizes the modern Emirati woman, leading by example with her unwavering message to her peers: “Do not let your gender hold you back!” As the CEO of the Media Zone Authority in Abu Dhabi, she is a driving force behind the ambitious goal of establishing the Emirates as a regional hub for media and entertainment.

In her role, she serves as a crucial link between the local government and the private sector, playing a pivotal role in the economic development of the region. Her multifaceted approach and unwavering resolve make her a true go-getter, setting a shining example for women everywhere. She is a beacon of empowerment, inspiring others to break barriers and reach for new heights of success.
